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"This man is as good as it gets. One of the greatest keyboard artists I’ve ever heard."    -   John Hammond


We are very excited about a new “live” album we recently recorded in Boston, which was my home for thirty years.  It was recorded over two sold-out nights at the very cool venue The Fallout Shelter. Many old friends from Beantown stopped by which made it all that more special for me.   


The album is a mixture of everything we play out on the road…some old favorites, new things, and some tunes that we have already recorded but with the twists and surprises that only happen live and in person. We also recorded an extended version of the Allman Brothers classic “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed”(written by Dickey Betts) that really goes some places! There is a lot of energy and freshness in this album - we are really happy with it and hope that you will be too…It is being released September 13, 2024.

We will be on tour in Europe, the South and the Midwest for the remainder of 2024 and much more in 2025.  Check back frequently for updates!

"Connections" is the first album that had Aaron Lieberman and Liviu Pop on it.  We recorded it at Capricorn Studios in Macon, Georgia and recording it there was really a dream…beautiful studio atmosphere and gear and an indefinable vibe that was absolutely inspirational.  We think you will hear all of the “connections”…history, musical styles, the interplay between Aaron, Liviu and me.  This was a milestone recording in the history of the Bruce Katz Band! You can order it, download it or save it on any number of ways:

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